She Loves Me has a Cast!

The Livingston Theatre Company is proud to announce our cast list for the second production of the 22nd season, She Loves Me!

Amalia Balash: Rebecca Madeira

Georg Nowack: Cristian Ossa

Steven Kodaly: Roggi Chuquimarca

Ilona Ritter: Alana Sackman

Ladislav Sipos: Andres Moledo

Mr. Maraczek: Emerson Katz-Justice

Arpad Lazlo: Randy Campo

Waiter: Michael O’Neill

Detective Keller: Yves Turgeon

Ensemble: Hayley Adler, Caleb Barron, Samantha DeSena, Alec Pizarro, Cami Poniz, Kaitlyn Toledo, Yves Turgeon, and Conor Wall

Thank you so much to everyone who came out and auditioned! If you are interested in helping this amazing production come to life, please reach out to ( for more ways to get involved!


Mamma Mia is Looking for a Director!

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