She Loves Me Callback List

Thank you to everyone who came out and auditioned for LTC’s second mainstage of our 2019-2020 season, She Loves Me! We saw a lot of talent over these last two nights and are excited to announce our callback list! Congratulations to all of those who have been called back and if your name is listed below, be sure to lookout for an email from the production staff containing more information tonight.

Hayley Adler
Adriana Burton
Gabriella DeGregorio
Samantha DeSena 
Alyssa Fox
Victoria Gasper
Mary Klein
Rebecca Madeira 
Miranda Madrazo 
Alex Manacop 
Maya Mitterhoff
Michelle Molina 
Cami Poniz
Alana Sackman
Sofia Solimando
Emily Teubner
Kaitlyn Toledo 

Caleb Barron
Randy Campo
Roggi Chuquimarca
Ross Ferguson
Emerson Katz-Justice
Benjamin Kritz
Andres Moledo
Michael O’Neill
Cristian Ossa
Alec Pizarro
Joshua Rosenzweig
Yves Turgeon
Conor Wall
Kolter Yagual

If you do not see your name on the list, please do not be discouraged from contacting us ( if you are interested in being a part of the production in any other way!

SheLovesMe Square.jpg

She Loves Me has a Cast!

Call to Audition: She Loves Me!

Call to Audition: She Loves Me!